is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Sunday, October 16, 2022



The elections are a wonderful event in our country. However, the ads that surround that time of year are annoying, to say the least. 

Lately I have been watching commercials about Tim Ryan, who is a senator from Ohio. His opponent, JD Vance, an author who wrote about hillbillies, is waging a war against him. 

It is a shame that if you lie in political ads, it is not a crime. The number of lies that are told are incredible, and I just want to throw a shoe at the television when when their noses start to grow. The latest is whether or not somebody voted to defund the police. That is ridiculous. The police have been under a lot of criticism over the last couple of years for killing George Floyd and Breanna Taylor, but nobody wants to defund the police entirely. They do need to be watched, though, and they do need to be policed themselves.


However, I am going to vote in a few weeks for my candidates, and I have no way of telling who's going to win. I do know that I will not volunteer to work at the election office again. It is a little bit frightening to think that anybody wants to injure someone for volunteering to take people's votes and process them accordingly. 

I am anxious to see what will happen on that day, because we need to move forward in our country. With the number of murders that are happening around me, I have to notice the fact that it is easy to get a gun in my state of Ohio. There are no laws that will protect me, should someone decide in a big crowd to carry guns and shoot them at people. It is happening every day in our city, on practically every corner. Just behind my house is a kroger, and even that Kroger had an incident with an active shooter. I hate that I even need to use the words 'active shooter' & that is why I will be voting for anyone who is going to be promoting a gun law that will limit the access of those who are little bit cray cray and who don't mind talking about it. 

Even friends of mine who have a lot of sense say stupid things about guns. It is so sad to see.

I'll be in prayer today. 



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