is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Shepherd's Pie!

The Lord is my Shepherd. I know that He will see me through this troubled time.

I also know there is a wonderful dish called shepherd's pie, and I am not sure if there is a Biblical connection but it is a comfort to me at this moment.

At this moment, I'm watching the President threatened military action against the protesters who are angry over the deaths of at least four innocent people in the last week, murders that were senseless and at the hands of brutal police.

In the protesting, I have also seen black people help police get through dangerous situations and crowds of violent rioters. I have seen the heart of many African Americans who are rightfully protesting the abuse of Five Hundred Years of Slavery and marginalization and being treated as if they are not real people. I have even seen the police kneel with the protesters, here in Lexington and elsewhere around the world.

They have every right to protest and rise up at this time, this is a time when we need to make change happen. And I think it will! Perhaps with the actions of the police officers who are willing to give a nod to Colin Kaepernick who started kneeling years ago and lost his entire career for doing so, perhaps by people like me -- a white lady who has privilege she does not even recognize -- perhaps when people like me see police officers kneeling with black sympathizers, my friends who hate Colin Kaepernick will start to soften their heart.

A lady in my building who I call my preacher lady -- she is so sweet and I love to get her advice about everything going on -- told me that all of this is predicted in Revelation.

I am not a doomsday kind of gal, but she had incident after incident to tell me and let me know that it -- the pandemic and rioting and discourse and  chaos -- indeed is predicted in the Bible exactly what is happening during these end times, as she calls them.

What if it is? Am I ready? I know I am, I know I conduct myself in a Christian way, I know that I believe in the goodness of my fellow human beings, and I love my family. I do love kindness, seek Justice, and walk humbly with my Lord, as Micah tells me to do.

But yes, I would be ready if Jesus came back today, and walked in my door right now. My kitchen would be dirty, but I could serve my Lord a hell of a shepherd's pie!

Peace y'all,
Father, bathe my soul in Your light! Amen!

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