is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Palm Saturday

Thankfully, Ranada's delivered a beautiful Burger to me, along with some lovely garlic cheese grits! Along with everything else, they delivered a free roll of toilet paper, which I have not seen in weeks LOL.
It is Saturday, the day before Palm Sunday. I was scheduled to play Fellowship piano tomorrow, and accordingly I was rehearsing Were You There and Who At My Door quite a bit. Actually that was in December and January, I was really rehearsing them then, the past few months, I have rehearsed very little, but the moments that I do play piano, are filled with joy. I am so grateful my parents helped me appreciate music, and they both played piano, which was definitely an impetus for me to learn.

My friend went to the cemetery today, and posted some lovely pictures. Everything is in bloom, and all the pink whites and pastel flowers are simply gorgeous. I love to see when folks go to the cemetery and take photos, because it truly is the most beautiful sight in Lexington. My parents both felt that way, and they are both buried in the cemetery, so I don't go there very often. I probably should, but truthfully, I'd rather grieve my parents from afar than go to the cemetery every day.
A DIY mask!

As the sun goes down, I am thinking about Palm Sunday tomorrow, what it means to me in this state of isolation. I hope that Jesus would have stopped along the way and let me wave my palm branch at him.

God be with us all this week, this Holy Week.


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