is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Ash Wednesday, a Day of Prayer

 I've had a day that can best be described as tough.

This is our Sanctuary at Central Christian! 

I was all ready for a soup lunch and Ash Wednesday service at noon but at 7am, I slipped on a wet floor, did the knee splits, sideways! I landed on my knees with all my 183 pounds. I was in a hurry and not paying attention, you know, pretending I was young.

Okaysies. Now for the side story aka truth. I had just called our sweet guy the janitor a lady. He was mopping the floor; floor was oh so wet; and I was embarrassed when I saw who he was, apologized and hurriedly ran away. It was only a few feet but enough to propel me into a contortionist that I am so not ... that's when I slipped and sent my knees into the ultimate sprain situation. The janitor helped me up, he's strong! I sat down for a minute and then went back to my apt 10 stories up, put ice on em, wrapped both knees in ace bandages on top of KT tape; then I got every pillow and blanket to pile up high for knee elevation.

If I don't move, I'm fine. Right now. Is that a Lenten way to see it, I wonder?

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