is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Butler Did It!

Butler beat Michigan State tonight in the semi-final game of the NCAA Final Four basketball tournament. N ow all that it would take is for West (by God) Virginia to win over the detested Duke Bluedevils and it would be a perfect night before Easter Sunday, would it not?

However, I cannot stop watching The Ten Commandments with Yul Brynner - and Charlton Heston, Vincent Price and Edgar G. Robinson, oh yes, and of course, Yvonne deCarlo!  The movie so colorful, the words are so potent, the performances are so compelling, I am hearing some of the dialogue as if it were the first time. The correlation between the Old Testament and the New Testament is always profound, but as the years go by, the story of Jesus and its fulfillment of the prophecies of the Word impacts me more and more. 
Because of the music we sang over the past few days, because of the messages learned from taking the cup and bread and remembering the moment in the Garden when Jesus pleads for one more day, pleads for another way, crying out "My Father, let this cup pass from me...yet not my will, but Thine be done."  In tattered crown and robe arrayed, a King without a throne.  Oh my.

Oh my.  Consider the acts of compassion by Mary Magdalene, weeping and washing Christ's feet, though she was scorned by so many, imagine how devastated He was at the denial and betrayal of His disciples, even though he foretold same. I can taste the wine and bread from the Last Supper.  I can feel the cruelty of the Crucifixion, and it is with great anticipation that I wait vigilantly for tomorrow, for the Resurrection. Hallelujia, Lambs.  We are not worthy of God's love, but He loves us anyway.  He loved us so much that He gave His perfect Lamb, his only Son so that we might be redeemed and forgiven children. 

Tonight as I begin preparations for tomorrow's holy day, I will consider that even though I am not worthy, I am redeemed indeed, and forgiven. Being forgiven, I also must learn to allow the Holy Spirit to soften my heart.

I truly hope your Easter is meaningful, I wish you peace and love that surpasses all understanding.
pray for peace,

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