is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Mask Yourself!

Oh my goodness, 
I know how he feels...

We are in what feels like the 188th week of the pandemic, and the argument now is whether or not one should wear a mask. I always wear a mask, when I go out of my apartment, because I am 65, and my neighbors are older than me
I post pix here now,
so they're never lost

Apart from me not wanting to spread any disease to anyone else, I don't want to breathe in anybody else's breath droplets. On the elevator earlier, six people squeezed on the elevator after I got on. It is a two-person elevator! Nobody hesitated to squeeze their ass on the elevator, because the big elevator is broken today.

Since I live in a building of old folks, the repairs are slow to come when you request them. So, I walked up 9 stories today to my apartment on the 9th floor. My legs are a little bit sore, and I'm sure I will pay for it later on.

However, I am proud that I made it all the way up, had to stop and catch my breath, but I made it! Now, I am trying to figure out what to have for dinner. I'm thinking about making a dip that my friend Emily taught me how to make when I worked with her at Keeneland. Emily has a little baby girl, and I miss her so much, but she did make this kick ass dip with chicken and cream cheese and another kind of cheese I think with some hot sauce! It's like a buffalo wing dip. Yum yum, I better go get to it.
My pal Marie gave me mine!

Well, I made the dip, and it was wonderful! It had no hot sauce in it, but I made do with other spices and herbs.

Every time I turn on the television, someone is complaining about wearing a mask. Every time I look at the internet, folks are complaining about the amount of oxygen they are losing by wearing a mask. What is wrong with people?

One of the guys who is an attorney announced that he was no longer wearing a mask, and all I did was just mark it a ☹️. That's all I can do.

I grew up in Northern Kentucky, where everyone is a republican, I have found out, and I don't want to piss anybody off. However, this is the same guy who played on the Boone County football team back in 1970, and he wore a protective cup, I'm sure when he was playing football.

 I made apple crunch ⬇️

Back to my subject about wearing a mask or not wearing a mask. There was a time when you could not wear even a cap into a bank in my city. It is because of the dumbasses who go out and rob banks. Therefore, I am always conscious about having a cap on when I go into a Bank building. Now, I am fully loaded with my mask my cap, my jacket and boots  • everything I need to protect myself from this terrible germ that is floating around out there. I am following everybody's orders who makes sense, like my governor and my mayor, I am sorry but the current resident in the White House is not my president. I have friends who question why anybody would not like Donald Trump. I love them to death, but where did the stupidity come in? I just want to know, when did you go stupid?

I was a little disappointed when I woke up this morning, it was late and I thought I had missed the spaceX launch that was supposed to happen.
My neighbor  who will not wear a mask
taped her patriotism to her door...

Happily, it has been postponed until Saturday! I can't wait, too, can you?

I just hope they're wearing a mask when they blast off!

For all my lamb chops who are still following me after all these years, thank you so much! I do not know why you continue to read, but I pray once in a while there's something interesting here. I am going to finish my blogging of the horses running in the Belmont on June 20th, but meanwhile happy quarantine and pandemic days!

Peace y'all,

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