is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Saturday Night's Alright

Hello everybody. I have missed all my lambchops during this isolation and quarantine week. I began my
isolation 2 weeks ago, when the news first came out. My neighbor is a nice guy, but he just cannot stay away. I have had to tell him through the door that I'm not opening it and please don't come back until this plague is over.

At any rate, this morning I feel a little better, but the fact that we lost Kenny Rogers yesterday has been pretty tough. I remember my sister got his first album with Kenny Rogers and the First Edition which had great songs like Smell of Incense and Reuben James on it. I can't wait to look them up and listen today.

Also, my friend Dmetrius Conley lost his sister Tammy last night. She was a pleasant girl, always cheerful and funny as can be, just like her brother! I know she was a breast cancer survivor and I do not know if that is what took her. She was much younger than I am and I am 65 years old, so my prayers are with her family and especially her children.

Today, my plans are to exercise lol, do laundry, and clean my kitchen! I stole a Brillo pad off the cleaning guys card yesterday, and I'm going to use that to get my pots clean. Finally!

Lastly, I am really missing choir! There is something about joining your voice with 50 others and making a beautiful sound that lifts your soul and makes you feel the presence of God.
I have my Christmas lights on! 😜

If you don't believe in God, because you think that God hates you or that God discriminates against people who are gay, brown or white, then I don't believe in that God either. I believe in the God that loves, the God that protects, He is my refuge and my strength! A present help in time of trouble, He is.
Peace, y'all!

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