is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Friday, October 26, 2018

Choir is prayer

My heart is heavy as I write this. My friend Vicki is dying, with only days left in her battle against lymphoma.

My neighbor Dean has had a heart attack, following breast cancer surgery just a few weeks ago. I also have a friend who fell and broke her hip, and Mary was glued back together and is actually miraculously recovering quicker than the doctors can believe. I have a choir friend who has a lung condition that seemed impossible 7 weeks ago, but there is renewed hope today and that she is able to be off the respirator for moments at a time. I pray for all of my friends who are suffering and who need God's care and comfort. I cry for their sons and daughters and pets. I run to the bank for them, take care of their plants, and clean my apartment so I can make room for Vicki's Wurlitzer piano, which she is giving me.

I say all of that to say this. Being in choir has given me words to pray with these people, these precious Souls who are clinging to life, I am thankful for every Anthem I have ever sung.

"Be not afraid, for I have redeemed you. Be not afraid, I have called you by name..."

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