The Kentucky Mourning Project #5
Hamburg Place, Lexington Kentucky
The Kentucky Mourning Project provides compensation for grieving/praying/singing and for careful consideration on... the thoughtless and detrimental environmental modifications wrought by ourselves within the area know to us today as the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Mourner Wanted: to grieve for the loss of relatively undisturbed sanctuary/habitat due to our own uncompromising devotion to consumer culture and to apologize to this earth place for our sad/mad lust for items and profit and to offer up prayers of healing and forgiveness...
this to take place within the development known not ironically as Hamburg Place, and referred to as a "home to 2,000,000 sq. ft. of retail space, 160 acres of professional offices and 1, 200 acres of residential development."
Mourner is asked to meditate upon this extreme form of earth alteration and then to articulate our most sincere human apologies and to model the best intentions and hopes of our species within the Hamburg Place area for a period of one half hour... during a weekday in April 2013. Date/time at preference of Mourner
Honorarium: $100.00
Location: Lexington Kentucky
To apply: Please, no more than 100 words on what mourning means to you and why you would like to mourn for the loss of Hamburg Place habitat.
Deadline: March 21 (midnight)
Submissions to:
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