is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hollerween - Tonight at Al's!

Holler 30 featuring Tina Andry, James Vincent, Coralee and the Townies

Tonight is Holler Poets Series 30 at Al's Bar at Sixth & Lime

It's free.

It features Tina Andry and James Vincent, along with open mic that begins at 8pm. 

 (Note - get there early to reserve your spotty-spot for the open mic session if you wish to participate because it fills up quickly)

Look at this wonderful poster created by the marvelously talented John Lackey and just TRY to stay away...I dare ya! I know I'm going to plan to be be there, and if all goes well, I might be a little vocal tonight myself.  

Get thee to Sixth and Lime tonight at 8 - order a beer - and have fun!

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