is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tom Phillips Returns to Arboretum!

SummerFest will welcome the return of a familiar face this July when Lexington's own Tom Phillips returns to play the lead role of Mr. Darcy in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (July 14 to 18).

Friends of SummerFest's former incarnation, Shakespeare in the Park will remember Phillips'  work in The Three Musketeers, as Robin Hood as well as his numerous roles with Actors Guild of Lexington, and oh, so much more.

Phillips recently returned to Lexington after living in California for the past few years.  Welcome back, Tom! 

SummerFest will also present the musical RENT from July 21 to 25.  The award-winning drama is scheduled to complete the trilogy of fantastic theatrical presentations, which begins with Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, July 7 to 11.  

It's sure to be an exciting July, and with the below roster of all-female directors, this year's SummerFest will have an intriguing added dimension. 

Merchant of Venice - Ave Lawyer  
Pride and Prejudice - Sullivan Canaday White 
Rent - Tracey Bonner 

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