is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Forget it, Jake, It's 'Ginatown.

I wandered down the road of independence lately. I've taken a stand alongside my neighbors against a pesky peeper who is plaguing my neighborhood. I let go of a relationship with an frenemEditrix who took advantage of my good nature for years while I devoted 40+ hours a week writing for free, spending my weekends following and shadowing works of art in progress, only to be thrown under the bus once I took a stand.  

I think it all went south once I told her I thought it was kinda skanky to write about some of the stuff she thinks is so Carrie-ish.  Yeppers, Trixie loves to blog about her non-sex life, and especially about her 'gina...and I'm sorry, lambchops, but that's simply something neither a lady nor a good writer would do.  I guess I feel that way coz I don't need to blog about my cha-cha to get some lovin' - all I have to do is be me.  

I also don't need the attention that comes with being a victim of a criminal trespasser.  I have had a long life filled with a lot of joy, but also with a lot of sadness.  I pray every day for God to soften my heart toward a particular person who hurt me, hurt my child, worse than anything anyone could ever imagine.  Therefore, I do not take the matter of anyone,being violated by a criminal act lightly. When I saw the ladies on the local news having to hide their faces because they were afraid, I felt so strongly about NOT wanting to be a victim that I became a community organizer of sorts.  I took action and banded together with my neighbors who are also victims and allowed my face and voice to be heard because they are simply too afraid to speak.  I am not afraid, and yes, I considered that I was taking a risk. All I can say in my defense about that is: good for me. Good for me taking a risk and defending those who felt helpless. 

Let me reiterate -I spoke to the media a number of times, because due of the nature of the crime, nobody wanted to come forward.  At first, I thought I was the only one who had seen the peeping creep I now call Lurkel, but I soon found out that numerous women in my neighborhood were victimized as well.  After a lot of prayer and consideration, I decided to go public, to speak to the news folks, and to be The Voice of the victims so they would feel empowered. 

Now I am being attacked, and it's no coincidence that I ended a toxic relationship at the same time I began a new life as a neighborhood healer.  It's also no coincidence that the attacks seems to be coming from someone who lives in a very bitter Reality. 

Let me be clear. I am proud of everything I have written in my blog.  I am also proud of everything that has been published that I penned. I have written - without pay or compensation in any way - about plays, operas, art exhibits, bus stops, activists, performers, books, movies, poetry gatherings, wine market store openings, and Flight 5191. Those stories, my writing is what defines me.  Editrixes with a grudge and bitter life cannot and do not define me. I am a mother, a grandmother, a Stephen Minister, a Chancel Choir member and a heck of a paralegal. I wrote over 100 Opinions for Judge Harkins, I was not seeking attention when I did that, and I am not seeking it now.  I have walked more than a handful of people Home as they were dying.  I was not seeking attention when I became a Stephen Minister, and I am not seeking it now.  Accordingly, I am not defined by an anonymous post-er on public websites who accuses me of such things. 

I am Kimmy, Mayor of Kimmyville.  

Now take that funnelcake and shove it. Then blog about that.

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