Once I did my banking deeds, I made the obligatory stop at the Civic Center to splurge and get one chocolate cheesecake truffle at the Old Kentucky Candies. I don't do it very often, and it is the best candy in the world, after all. At any rate, last time I was at the Civic Center was the day of the Miley Cyrus concert and the placed was filled with Hannah Montana clones. I'll take this opportunity to say that Hannah Montana's not all that bad. The little girls I saw were wearing their Hannah Montana dresses and tee-shirts that were so worn, you could barely make out the images on them. They were not kids from Andover and Hartland, either, for the most part, they were from counties and cities far from Lexington, and I could see in their hopeful faces that their very simple dreams were about to come true...and that's a very, very cool thing to see in children. It was easy to tell that their parents had scrimped and saved and used all their resources to afford their child the thrill of seeing their idol onstage. Ain't that America?
Again, here I am yammering on about something other than the topic, but I'll find a way to tie it all together, lambchops (I hope:). Anyway, today, what got my attention was that there were scores of university type people all over the place, folks with important looking badges lined up everywhere...a lot of furrowed brows, and it didn't take long to figure out that they were part of the Southeastern Theatre Conference, an event happening right here, right now and will bring thousands of theatre enthusiasts to Lexington this weekend. You can read all about it in Ace Weekly, by the way ;-)
After I'd been duly impressed by the crowds near Rupp, I used the beloved pedway and walked over to Victorian Square and found a nice place called Hef's in the old Bravo Pitino space. They make everything fresh there, by the by, and everyone is actually happy to see you...stop in there and try it out, you won't be disappointed.There's not a huge selection just yet, but the food is nice and fresh and that's just nice. and fresh.
My day wrapped up with a great choir rehearsal, which is no surprise of course, but tonight we sang and recorded about a dozen hymns for someone who is homebound. Some dear lady asked us if we could record them for her friend, who is disabled. Since I'm squawking tonight about my feelings, I'll just say that when and if I am ever homebound, I hope someone has the good sense to ask for a recording of my choir singing my favorite songs for me. Is that not the best thing anyone could do for a friend? Anyway, I loved it that we spent a good half hour going through one hymn after another, Be Thou My Vision, Dona Nobis Pacem, Morning Has Broken, a lot of sweet selections - I am so lucky to have that opportunity. I yam, sweet potatoes ;-)
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