is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Let It Shine, Let It Shine, Let It Shine

This photograph was taken by my Irish friend, Yvette, who lives by the Irish Sea. 

In Yvette's words:  "We are on the East Coast - in a town called Portmarnock - about 20 minutes from Dublin Airpoty - ha - and 10 miles from the city centre. I was born and bred here - family and friends all around - can't get up to much - they all know me - then again - I KNOW THEM!"

When I asked her about the photo, and if I could post it, she said, "I went through hell getting this one - literally nearly fell over ma self getting the camera and then hung out da winda like a mad bitch possessed on E's!!  There were other dramatic moments but didn't have the camera on the go.  Yes really - it changes here everyday - snow on the way - will send some beach/snow ones and you can use them too - nooo charge for valued customers!" 

Yvette told me she has "visions of [son] Pierce and I sitting on the beach with our snowman on deck chairs in winter woollies having hot chocolate - no toddy for me - choco for Pierce - lets keep things in prespectives heres please will ya people!"

Gawds, I miss Yvette!  It sure was good to hear from her recently when she "found" me on Facebook. We knew each other 20 years ago when she worked for an evil horse farm manager and, well, so did I.  She was his au pair, and I the farm secretary.  Eventually, we compared notes, and both of us got our Irish on, revolted, drank lots of Heineken and became friends forever, along with her nanny friend, Maria, who is Swedish by birth but who now also lives in Ireland.  Yvette and Maria came into my life just weeks after my Mother passed away and after that, we were pretty much  the Three Musketettes for quite a while, making pub crawls across Lexington, singing Irish songs, and oh yeah, going to hear Larry Redmond sing at the Brewery.  We did a lot of that...and I'll never forget when Yvette shouted out one night, "Hey, Larry!  Larry! Would ya sing 'Why Don't We Get Pissed and Screw?
Hee!  Those were good times, good times! So recently it sure has been a blessing to squawk back and forth with those two across The Pond...giddy to the O'YUP!  

Now that Christmas is getting so close, I want to thank the Lord for friends like Yvette, who has a spirit that shines. She has insight that always gives value to my life, and I see and hear that light echoed in her child now -- Pierce is just as funny and sweet as she is.  

I'm also grateful for my gorgeous pal, Maria, who is passionate about going on the hunt with her  horses and friends each week, it sounds like they have a blast! Apart from being gorgeous, Maria is beautiful on the inside as well.  She lets me know she cares, she never lets an opportunity to go by without encouraging me and giving me her support, even on a Monday blog, which I always think are my worst :)

It just proves that kindness and love will always win. I am so glad I reached out to them when they first came to America decades ago, it just bolsters my faith all that much more to know that some things--some GOOD things--never change...

... and all around the neighborhood...I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!



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