Don't miss a full concert performance by one of the most revered songwriters and master guitarists in the world. 

Tonight at the Kentucky Theatre, 
call 859-231-7924, tickets will be available 
at the door 7PM EDT tonight! 

Troubadour Reservation Hotline: 859-231-7924

Kimmy's Basketful of Thoughts and Pix for today

Happy Birthday to Allie Darden, my favorite lobster lover!

Please keep Dmetrius Conley-Williams in your prayers. He is recovering from a lengthy stay in the hospital and I am sure he would appreciate your messages of good wishes -- best way?  via facebook <3

I can play &sing nearly any song with my uke, it's so fun!  Try it :)

And now...a shameless plug:
First lesson free,
$10 per hourly lesson thereafter

You will be playing Beatles and Elvis tunes 
within one hour - guaranteed! Excellent references, music taught in an inclusive Christian environment.

Learn to love the ukulele :)

Contact me, the Mayor of KimmyVille at
for more details.   
Today is the 14th anniversary of my father's passing.  Every year, April 9 just gets a little more heart wrenching, even though Time is the great healer. As a salute to my Pops, I'm playing songs on my uke and piano today that my Pop loved,  like My Blue Heaven, A-Tisket A-Tasket, Ain't She Sweet?, On The Street Where You Live, Don't Fence Me In, Paper Moon, O Danny Boy, My Wild Irish Rose, It's Only a Shanty, and scads of other wonderful tunes.  I'm grateful for those memories...and I'm grateful you read this all the way through -- thanks!  lol  Love love love to all my lambchops, now smile and be nice to someone you don't like today.  You'll be glad you did, I promise :)

Peace, y'all, Kimmy