ELandF projects
The Kentucky Mourning Project #5
Mourner Wanted
to grieve for the loss of relatively undisturbed habitat at/near Hamburg Place, Lexington Kentucky

Honorarium: $50.00
Location: Lexington, KY
Action to occur in April 2013
Action to occur for a period of 1/2 hour

To apply: Please:... no more than 100 words on what mourning means to you and why you wish to mourn the loss of of Hamburg Place habitat

Deadline: March 21
Submissions via email:
Design Your Own Revolution
You have been waiting for the perfect moment to design your own revolution. That moment is here...

You are provided with:
1 pop-up office space (within Institute 193)
1 Design Consultant (for duration of action)
1 table
2 chairs
2 pencils
1 pencil sharpener
1 copy machine
500 sheets multi purpose 81/2x 11 paper
100 $1.00 bills

This action to occur one time, between 8am- 4pm in May 2013
To Apply: Please... no more than 50 workds on why you wish to design your own revolution by April 25th
Email only: ELandFgallery@yahoo.com

ELandF Projects
Help Wanted: Person to 5 draw breaths in succession near proposed coal train route, Albany Oregon
To Apply: Please ...no more than 50 words on why you wish to draw 5 breaths in succession near the proposed coal train route.
Honorarium: $50.00
Deadline: April 14, 2013
Email Only: ELandFgallery@yahoo.com