is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Grateful Heart

The Impersonation of  Being Ernest
was 83 minutes of fantastic stunts
and exhausting action:
fights, dances and one funny
line after another.
A surprise was the 20' behind the back
blind sword toss...

The show opened and closed
this past week - but there are
plans to take it to other venues.
I'll keep you posted!
Aw. I had a great week. I went to see three plays - KCT and SEE Theatre's The Impersonation of  Being Ernest, AGL's Belle Brezing and Studio Players' Loot.  I also had the chance to catch my favorite band, The Squirrels, at Thursday Night Live, and today sang I Will Sing With the Spirit, by John Rutter with my choir.

Laurie Genet-Preston and Bob Singleton
turn in powerful performances
as a reflective Belle and her beau, Billy in
Actors Guild of Lexington's Belle Brezing

A nice surprise in Brezing is the appearance
of John Jacob Niles when he and his fiddle
pay a visit to the brothel.

Not all my weeks are as busy this past one, but none could have been more delightful.  Top all that entertainment off with a lovely visit from my niece and nephew, time with my sister, and duets played on the ukulele with some of my favorite people and you have what is very close to the perfect week.

Grateful for every blessing with which I've been bestowed yesterday, today and tomorrow, I will leave you with wishes for a pleasant week ahead and with this hymn we shared in worship this morning:

Give Thanks  

Give thanks, with a grateful heart,
give thanks, to the Holy One,
give thanks, because he's given 
Jesus Christ, His Son.

And now, let the weak say "I am strong"
let the poor say "I am rich" 
because of what 
the Lord has done for us...
give thanks!  

-- (Henry Smith, 1978)

I hope your week is full of gratitude.
My gorgeous niece and nephew Olivia, Marshall  & me


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