is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Muse, Music, and Wild Women

My friend Ali's charming backyard
Today was a glorious day in the Bluegrass.  The sun was shining, a gentle breeze was blowing, and the afterglow of the first football win of the season had the whole city of Lexington smiling.  I had a great morning of worship, an afternoon spent with a dear friend, Ali, who oftentimes serves as my muse whether she knows it or not.  

I also attended the Wild Women of Poetry reading this evening that featured some of my very cool lambchops: Sunny Montgomery, Bianca Spriggs, Heather Parrish to name just a few.  The evening put the icing on a delicious day, and I'm very grateful for all the blessings thereto.
My pal Sunny Montgomery and me

I also had the chance to squawk with my playwright pals James Brown and Donna Ison, who make me believe in myself more than I ever thought possible. For their friendship and support, I am eternally grateful...and yes, James, I promise to be more regular in my blogging. I've been slacking lately, sort of, by not posting here in Kimmyville every day like I ought to, but I've had a little injury and can't quite type comfortably just yet, so please forgive my truancy here, I will pick up the pace soon and you will be reading my daily musings once more.  
James Brown & Donna Ison

Heather Parrish will be back onstage soon for an encore performance as Patsy Cline - stay tuned, it's a one-time gig you won't want to miss!
But hey, I'm happy that someone noticed and actually misses my blogs! I've said before that blogging is a duty to the reader, a daily reason to face reality, it keeps the writer honest, it causes me to put into words the way that I feel, and folks, sometimes that ain't easy to do.  Sometimes it's painful.  Sometimes it's joyful.  Either way, it can be difficult to express because of the emotions that surface, the tears that roll down my cheek, the lump in my throat that won't go away until I get it all out.  So yes, I miss my blog when I don't post every day...but it's just kinda cool to find out that others miss it as well.  

Kelli, Karen and Kimmy
As the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon begins and Sunday comes to a close, I have to say how thankful I am for all my lambchops in the arts community, all my brothers and sisters, for my entire family who love me despite my very human-ness. I just want you to know that your love is very much felt and appreciated.

Also, I would like to share this prayer with you that we prayed today in worship.  I hope you find meaning in it:

Almighty God, to you all hearts are open,
all desires known,
and from you no secrets are hidden;
Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts
by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,
that we may perfectly love you,
and worthily magnify your holy name,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

peace, y'all,

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