is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Hello, It's Me...

Good news: One of Lexington's favorite actors, Tom Phillips is due back in Lexington anytime now.  When Tom left for Hollywood a few years ago, we knew we'd miss him, but we wished him well...then a few years went by and we realized mayhap he was going to stay in California for good. 

So when he returned recently for a holiday visit, it was a joyous occasion, and I suspect I was not the only one who urged him to return to the Bluegrass.  Tom has scores of friends here who are musicians, actors, directors, politicians, writers, activists -- yes, indeedy, it will be nice to see his smiling face, argue politics with him, walk down Main Street and kvetch with him about the Centre Point debacle or any other topic. 

It will be good to know he's just around the corner if I need someone to lift my spirits or show me how to tune my next ukulele, so to speak.
When we last got an update from Tom, he had just crossed the Mississippi River and he was heading into Memphis, on his way to Lexington, which is very good news. 

I know his presence will give me a little extra something to smile about because Tom's just one of those friends who does not fall away; he stays with you until you're feeling better; and then he checks back in, helps keep things real, as the kids say :) 

Without going through a lot of regurgitation of events in my life over the last 8 or 9 years, I will say that this guy's one of the best friends ever.  Tom never gave up on me, despite my many ups and downs over the years, and I appreciate that.  Friends like that don't come along every day.  Welcome home, Tom!

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