is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude

I had a great Thanksgiving and post-holiday weekend. 

For someone who doesn't have a car, I have to admit, I'm a pretty darned good hostess.  I somehow managed to buy a turkey, thaw it, wrap it in bacon, stuff it with an orange and dressing and get it served by Thursday afternoon.  I also cleaned my apartment (yes, that's the sound of the Four Horsemen you hear thundering my way) and spruced up the piano enough for carols at the spinet. 

My friends Rhonda and Joanie were there for turkey day, as well as my sister Karen and her two daughters, Jessica and Susannah.  I spent Friday night at Diana's up where the River bends, and danced with my high school pals from Conner, whose mascot is, appropriately, the Cougar.  Heh.

Because I am so grateful for each one of them, I thought it would be a good idea to cover each and every one of my Thanksgiving true-blues, and let you know what I think is important to remember about each of them, and in the end, what is meaningful to me in a relationship.

My sister Karen is one of the most talented people I've ever known. She is the person I have known the longest, since she was there from my very beginning.  Karen can sight read any song and play it beautifully on the piano.  Karen fought off many a beeotch and arsehole who ever tried to do me harm. Karen is who I have always looked to as a mentor, as the ultimate anti-bully, and as a spiritual guide when things get really, really ... well, UNspiritual.  She puts things in perspective and sticks up for me when it counts, and that is a quality that every friend should have.  I love my sis!  On Thanksgiving, Karen sat down at the piano and played every song I wanted to hear.  What Joy!

Jessica, my niece, is my new hero.  She recently gave her senior recital at Berea College, and pretty much blew the roof off Presser Hall when she did.  I remember Jessica when she was a red headed little girl with a pony tail on top of her head, playing with Play-Doh on my balcony with her cousins.  She still has that gorgeous red hair and has grown into a gorgeous woman with more grace and talent than anyone I have ever known at that age.  On Thanksgiving, Jessica asked me if I wanted a voddy and orange juice, which she prepared in less than a minute, for which I shall eternally be grateful. 

Susannah, also my niece, is a rising star.  She has aquamarine blue eyes and a sense of humor that is so dry, I do believe you could make a martini out of her wit.  I call her Susannah Montana, and she loves it.  In the past year, Susie has grown so much, in all ways.  She is hilarious. She calls me Aunt Kimmy.  She is finding herself more and more and it's a real kick to see that happen.  On Thanksgiving, Susie gave me a big hug as soon as she walked in the door and made me feel like a million bucks.  She reminds me so much of me when I was her age, and I just la-la-la LOVE that kid.

Rhonda is my Editrix and best friend in good times and bad.  She would fight a running bladesaw for me, and at the same time, twitpic the scene to the entire world.  Over the past few years, she has watched me go from victory to defeat and back to victory again (and then, you guessed it, back to's all in the perspective, as she has taught me).  Rhonda affords me the opportunity to express myself in writing, but she also challenges me with new assignments that sometimes seem daunting, but once I get over my ego, I see that she always knows what's best when it comes to the paper. She lives and breathes it every day, and is one determined ladybug.  On Thanksgiving, Rhonda brought mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and sweet potatoes to help make my table complete. She showed up just when I needed to see her, with food in hand and as usual, was at the ready with lots of witty banter.  I will never, ever forget the discussion she and Karen had about the song Galveston, and how it was an anti-war song from the Vietnam era.  Their conversation has spurred me to re-investigate Galveston (written by Glen Campbell), and I have once again discovered that tune, which I have always loved. Now I know more...and it's tons better this time 'round.  Yup, I love me some RR. 

Joan is the sweet sound of encouragement.  Joan is always the person who will realize that my status updates or tweets say more than I'm typing out and sharing with my friends and fellow twitter-ers.  Joan makes me feel like I am a good person, that I deserve something great to happen in my life, and that I have someone pulling for me when nobody's looking.  I am so glad Joan came for Thanksgiving again this year. It just would not have been a Holiday without her smiling face and gentle spirit.  On Thanksgiving, Joan brought some classy sparkling water and fabulous crackers, but her Gift that day was sharing her kindness with Susannah, who she describes as "charming."  I love me some Joanie, too, I shorely do, dinah!

Diana. What to say about Diana?  She is the bravest person I know. She is the most generous person I know. Diana and I knew each other in high school, but we have discovered a profound friendship through the miracle of social media.  She gets my jokes. She opens her heart and home to me, and she will even drive to retrieve my sorry ass from Lexington so I can visit with my friends and family 'back home,' where the river bends, in Northern Kentucky.  Throughout the year, I have been able to tell Di just about anything about the bad choices (and bad boys) I make, about how my heart aches over lost love and lost family.  I know that I can confide in her and she will still love me just as much as ever.  On the day after Thanksgiving, Di drove all the way to Lexington (she just had rotator cuff surgery about a month ago and probably didn't feel all that great, too) and picked me up so I could be reunited with my friends from high school.  We went to a great place in Florence and danced the night away.  On the way home, we laughed about all the fun we'd had and how we both were close to tossing our cookies at any moment.  Diana is the personfication of selfless-ness. I love me some HoneyDi, she's good people!

Now...there are many, many others who I love and with whom I would love to share my Holidays, but these are the ones who came through for me, and who ALWAYS come through for me, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

Hope your Thanksgiving was as good as mine! 
peace, y'all,

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