is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thursday Used To Be For Choir

I really miss having choir on Thursday night. The whole week didn't matter, but Thursday nights were reserved for 2 hours of pure joy and musical interaction with 50 other choir members.

 I love singing on Sunday morning in the church, but I really really love rehearsing old anthems with old friends, and obeying every word that our director would direct us to do.

 I am not a soloist, I just sing the alto parts, and smile my way through the years that the choir members come and go. I miss Mayme, Maud, Beth, Malcolm, Arvil, and so many more that have passed on over the 25 years that I have sung in my choir.

However, we have Joyce, Pam, Betty Jo, Amy Kate, and many other UK students who bless us with their beautiful voices, and support us in times when we cannot sing, like today and in the weeks to come, it seems.

As I look to the future, I can only pray that my choir can once again gather in August and begin to prepare our Christmas music! There is nothing quite like being a total music nerd and getting my hands on new Music, even if it is old music, it is new every time we sing it! MR always picks pieces that are selected to challenge our music ability. We have sung many a Gloria and a Hallelujah over the years, each year, it is a treat to see what he has selected for us!

Meanwhile, I am listening to the CDs he has provided us over the years of our performances on Sunday mornings. There are some great anthems to hear and the message is clear, God still loves me, that I am redeemed and forgiven, I mean what I am saying with my lips I need to practice in my life so that being a doer of the Word and not a hearer only, I may receive everlasting life, through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen!

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