is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Doubting Thomas

I am glad it is Sunday, even though we don't go to church anymore, I don't sing in the chancel with my choir, and The Coronavirus has taken over the world!

The news is on, and of course the reports are that there are more cases in the United States than anywhere else in the world.

The news announcers keep acting like they are surprised at this. I am not the least bit surprised, are you? The United States is a free country, we cannot just blockade our people and make them stay at home like they do in China. The weeks that went by without any restraint from the governors of our states upon the citizens of their states have increased the infections of this virus more than anybody ever thought possible. Why did we not think it possible? We were not the least bit prepared!

It is one week after Easter, and the Sunday that Thomas doubted Christ's wounds and after he saw was indeed the Risen Christ. It is where the phrase doubting Thomas came from. This Easter is nothing like anything I have ever seen before.

Everyone is locked in their homes, we're not allowed to have parties with our families, and we are all afraid that we are going to catch this horrible disease and die without being able to say goodbye to our loved ones.

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