Here is an early Valentine from THE BATS!!!!
Hi, Batfans!
We’ve cranked up the heat in the Batcave, but it’s still as cold as a bucket of penguin guano in here!
So cold, in fact, that we chose this font to use because it’s called “Chiller.” Which is also the name we’ve given to our feet, because they are connected to our popsicle toes. Yep, we’re whining about this morning’s temps—or lack thereof. Don’t judge us.
But do come to see us when it turns all balmy on Friday, January 30, for our first show of 2015! We should all be thawed out by then, ready to rock, roll, and ruckus at Natasha’s Bistro with you and your closest girlz. And since it’s the New Year, why not bring along someone who’s never heard us before? We love fresh blood (and fresh faces) and we’ve got some brand-spankin’ new songs to sing, so it’d be win-win for everybody!
Show time is 8:00, and you can make reservations now at 859-259-2754. And guess what? Our cover charge (which goes directly into our little sparkly evening purses, thank you very much) is still only $10. Heck, you can spend that much for lunch at Taco Bell…but OMG, don’t do that. Let us ring your bell instead.
Happy New Year! Time to take down the tinsel in the Batcave. Once we put on another couple of sweaters and 3 more pairs of socks, that is. They make electric socks, right?
on Facebook: The Bats KY
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