is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Celtic Visionary Artist Exhibit Coming in February!

Celtic Art Exhibit opens Friday, February 17 in conjunction with Gallery Hop

Internationally known visionary Celtic artist Cynthia Matyi opens at the galleries at Christ Church Cathedral and First Presbyterian Church, Friday, February 17, in conjunction with Gallery Hop. The Gallery Hop program will also include music by the Art Mize family ensemble and dance by the McTeggart Irish Dancers.
The Celtic Style: The show will include over 50 oil paintings. Many of these are large, colorful, intricate creations which draw from the ancient tradition of Celtic illuminations.  The artist uses these complex compositions in a way that reflects the questions, concerns and crises of contemporary life.  Symbolism and repetition of symbolic shapes form a vocabulary which is essential to this Celtic style.  With Cynthia Matyi’s work, ancient motifs, and many newly created ones, take on special relevance for us today. The exhibit closes Sunday, April 8.

More about the artist: Cynthia Matyi is the major organizer of the touring exhibition, “American Celtic” (2000-2011) and her work has appeared in shows throughout the US, Canada and Europe.  She has illustrated CD covers, posters and websites and gives workshops on Celtic art to students of all ages.  She is the author, illustrator and publisher  of the children's book, "Little Town of Spirals" (2008) and has performed with the Irish traditional music ensemble, Silver Arm for over 20 years.

LOCATIONS: This extensive show will exhibit at two sites across Market Street from each other, the galleries at First Presbyterian Church and Christ Church Cathedral in Lexington, KY.


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