is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lexington's Walter May's Play "Broken" To Be Presented in New York at Times Square International Theatre in January!

From Lexington playwright Walter May, this exciting news!

"I have been informed that my play, "Broken," has been scheduled to be performed in New York in January at the Times Square International Theater Festival."

Dates are:  
Tuesday (Jan 17th) 9:00pm
Thursday (Jan 19th) 8:30pm
Saturday (Jan 21st) 7:30pm

Walter May and fellow playwright Charles Pogue
Moonlight and Magnolias at AGL.

May is standing at the desk as David O Selznick,
Pogue was playing Ben Hecht.

The location is the Roy Arias Studios & Theaters, 300 West 43rd Street (at Eighth Avenue ). This will be a showcase production in a small theater (99 seats). It is the same production seen at Kentucky Repertory in August and September with the same cast (Kelly Tuohy and Brett Hunter Levenson) and director (Christopher Carter Sanderson).

Festival selections or schedule have been posted yet, but pertinent information can be found at some point at and


* You can read my past blogs about Walter May's Broken, presented by AGL earlier this year -- just clicky click on the links below:

peace on earth,

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