is the grass any bluer...

is the grass any bluer... Cincinnati!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Kind of Love

Sundays are always full of promise, it has a good reputation -- usually considered an easygoing day that's all about rest and rejuvenation...but today, although restful and refreshing, the Hope in my life was as brisk as the autumn air.  

I awakened with the joy of knowing I'd had a good night's rest (fell asleep during Saturday Night Live, I think, slept until 9, which is a miracle in and of itself). Last night, I'd opened the windows to my apartment to let the breeze in, turned up the soup I was cooking in the kitchen until my entire home was filled with the aromatherapy of vindaloo, and played my ukulele until I got silly.  

So there's my reasoning for the rare and much beloved good night's sleep...but also, I was looking forward to Sunday, yes sirree, I was.  

Our chancel choir sang a beautiful spiritual today, it's one we've been practicing for years now but have never performed during worship, for the congregation.  Since it was World Communion Sunday, it seemed only fitting to sing, My Lord, What a Morning.   With all my choir buddies around me, you could hear the breath we took in collectively before we began, which is such a lovely and powerful sound - sort of a premonition of the message to come from the anthem we sing -- dozens of voices lifted in praise, enjoying each other's parts as much as our own.  This particular spiritual's words are few, but the arrangement we sang by H.T. Burleigh showcases the harmony and unity of a choir.

Here are the word to the anthem:

My Lord, What A Morning.  (Rev. 8:10)

"My Lord, what a morning;
when the stars begin to fall.

Done quit all my wordly ways,
join that heavenly band...

My Lord, what a morning;
when the stars begin to fall."

The song starts out with a softly sweet melody, then turns into a dramatic declaration, then back to the tender, hopeful message. It's very, very nice...

Okay, so why am I yammering on about all that?  Because, lambchops, yes, it was Sunday, and a Sunday full of Hope.  After a glorious worship, a surprise brunch and lunch with some of my favorite friends, I interviewed the subject of my first article for a new project that is very exciting.  More to come about that, so stay tuned.  (psst  -- i t will be my first paid writing gig, and I was deliriously happy to accept the assignment).  I'm also excited about my ukulele music and taking it to the homes and offices having Holiday parties.  My favorite carol right now is I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day, and of course, Little Drummer Boy...and well, the list just goes on and on.  I'm going to concentrate on my music, writing and uke playing for the next few months and start enjoying the fruits of my labors.  (I told ya I had hope today!  

So, I love Sundays, because I get to sing praises in the morning, praise God for wine and food and laughter in the afternoon, and when I take a little time to reflect on how lucky I am to have Sunday to balance out the rest of my life.  You then allow me to share those feelings with you and follow me faithfully and tell me nice things about my lil blog here, so thanks a big old bucket of hugs for sticking with me and letting me tell you what is on my heart.  After a Sunday like that, well, golly gosh gumdrops, I can take just about anything Monday throws my way now...right?

Here's a prayer we shared today, I hope you find meaning in it and let it buoy you throughout your journey:

Jesus prayed that we might be one.
One in spirit, one in mission
In union and communion with each other and with you.

Today, God, we confess fumblings and failures in accomplishing unity,
as we set aside yet another day to remind ourselves of the task.
On this World Communion Sunday, give us eyes to recognize your reflection
in the eyes of Christians everywhere.
Give us a mind to accept and celebrate our difference.
Give us a heart big enough to love your children everywhere.
We thank you for setting a table with space enough for us all!

pray for peace, people, everywhere,

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